
My name is Makenna! I am a Speech Therapist, avid reader, Disney adult, field hockey umpire, and fiancé. I grew up in a very creative family and have been looking for an outlet to share my life and ideas with others. After recently transitioning from in person to virtual speech therapy I have found more time and flexibility to work on goals outside of my career.

I love to read, workout, and stay involved with field hockey. As a former college athlete I rely on structure and routines. I am also a certified Disney Adult and travel down to Florida as much as possible!

My goal with Catching up With Kenna is to encourage others to follow through with their creative ideas and live their best life without the fear of failing. For the longest time I have wished to become a content creator but felt I wasn’t as special as the other people who were making a living off of it. Finally creating this blogging space is facing my fears and conquering my goals. I hope to share book recommendations, fun ways to include fitness in your life, honest conversations about working from home and travel.

Love, Makenna